数回着用のほとんど新品です凝った織模様の水色が大変美しいネクタイですネクタイ裏側にWERNER SCHERERのシルバー色に輝くプレートがあしらってあり、高級感がありますサイズ実寸:全長 / 剣先 :150 / 8.5 cm生地 シルク100%イタリア製サンクストア✨6■WERNER SCHERERはドイツのミュンヘンにある1951年創業の衣類メーカーです♪WERNER SCHERER offer classic and traditional handmade mens wear. This traditional house founded in 1951 is situated at Platzl, just a few feet away from the Maximilian street, near Munichs historical centre. The broadly diversified WERNER SCHERER collection in store is further complimented through made to measure inside the private showroom. In personal consultation all details are discussed as measurements are being taken. Singular custom made shirts, suits and blazers offers maximum individualism.