Enroll in Medicare Parts A and B (be sure not to decline Part B). .node-type-uft_discounts .content-heading__heading orphans: 2; padding-bottom: 1rem; .main-content a[href^="/"]::after { content: " (https://www.uft.org" attr(href) ") "; } /* NYT 2022-0908 issue posted. Please check your bank account/statement (or the mail, if you are receiving a physical check) for your payment. break-inside: avoid-column; ******* For information about the Retirees Association of DC 37, call (212) 815-1781 or visit them in Room 980, 125 Barclay Street, New York, NY 10007. background-size: 80px; My spouse (non-LAFPP member) is currently enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. order: 99 !important; Part D Part B Why am I required to enroll in Medicare Part B when I am eligible? Surround the section in a div with the class "split". } } Also at retirement, Medicare-eligible employees for whom the City Health Benefits Program had provided primary coverage are permitted to change health plans effective on the same date as their retiree health coverage. } In Calendar Year 2020, New York taxpayers are reimbursing the standard premium for new and existing retirees at the amount of $144.60 per month. To view and print out a copy of the New York City Employee Benefits Program's form and instructions for reimbursement of higher Medicare Part B premiums paid by certain beneficiaries who earned beyond certain thresholds in 2019, 2020 and/or 2021 click here. { 6. left:-10.75rem; For questions concerning eligibility and enrollment, For questions regarding deductions for health benefits taken from your pension check. } /* Print Header */ font-size: 1.5rem; SPOTLIGHT & RELEASES States pay Medicare Part B premiums each month for over 10 million individuals and Part A premium for over 700,000 individuals. Medicare Part B Reimbursement. Here are some important things that you need to remember: Who you should contact for assistance and when you should contact themRead More. var mpoplength =30; The path needs to be negated. { width:24rem; Medicare Part B: Update on 2019 Reimbursement. [2] Note that it is possible to challenge the IRMAA premium amount you are being charged through Social Security, if you have a life-changing, income-reducing event. To coordinate Medicare with your NYSHIP benefits, you should make sure that you: Contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) to enroll in Medicare three months before your birthday month. This adjusts that. top:3.4rem; .pager__items { .account-menu-pilot .menu-navigable__sub-wrapper.sub-open>ul{ border-radius: 20px; On January 31, 2022, the FDA approved the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, marketed as SPIKEVAX, for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in patients 18 years and older. New York City Office of Labor Relations . Health Benefits Program . Keeps pages on one line. display: block; } border: 2px solid #ddd; Also make sure that the Health Benefits Unit was notified of your Medicare eligibility. h1 { font-size: 3.5rem; } /* MEDICARE PART B REIMBURSEMENT. } If you are Medicare-eligible and are enrolling in an HMO you must complete an additional application which you must obtain directly from the HMO. display: none; font-size: 2.5rem; color: #373737; I receive a monthly Social Security payment, but I did not receive/cannot locate my New Benefit Amount Statement from Social Security. { .toolbar-vertical .account-menu-pilot .menu-navigable__sub-wrapper{ margin: 0; } What will happen if my spouse/partner or I fail to enroll in Medicare Part B when eligible? - CG, 2022-1216 */ float: none; } { .main, Only the retired member or Qualified Survivor enrolled in Parts A and B is eligible for Medicare Part B premium reimbursement. padding: 0.8rem 1rem; not accept payment from the NYC Medicare Advantage Plus Plan, the retiree should first . columns: 2; @media (max-width:800px) { .account-menu-pilot__toggle { page-break-after: auto; */ Retirees or eligible dependents of a retiree with Medicare Part B were reimbursed at the rate of $148.50 per month. .fsBody .fsLabel, .fsBody label { IRMAA 2021 annual reimbursements will be issued during the 3rd week of October 2022. } Medicare Part B Reimbursement Application. body, Medicare Part B Reimbursement Program for City Retirees and Dependents Once you have collected 24 months of Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (including any retroactive benefits), you automatically become eligible for Medicare. .main-content a[href^="http:"]::after, You may contact your local SSA office to verify whether you pay IRMAA by visiting https://www.ssa.gov/onlineservices or call 800-772-1213. /* .main-content a::after, counter-reset: fieldsets; . } } /*-->