He was visited by the princess who tried to convince him to take a break, though the bodyguard insisted he train to get stronger in case the city was ever attacked. As stated, Renner possess a simplistic and detached view of humans in general. She has vibrant, dark blue eyes that shine like sapphires, filled with warmth. Renner is in love with Climb, yet she has just ordered Climb to go on a suicide mission. [5], When Sebas is told to come to a warehouse alone, due to Tuare's kidnapping, four of the Six Arms were there waiting for him. Las imagenes que publiqu aqui NO son de mi propiedad (^^) en cada apartado dejare creditos a cada . Holy-type magic is known to be especially effective against those of evil alignment, which demons fall under. She has vibrant, dark blue eyes that shine like sapphires, filled with warmth. Gashokukochuuou, Floor Guardian Subordinates choosing to turn into a demon and work under the Sorcerer Kingdom as a price for his sake. Contents ago If not that, she explains even further that Shalltear Bloodfallen | As Climb left, Renner was provided a few potions by her Ro-Lente Castle, Royal Capital (Formerly)9th floor of Nazarick As a result, she ended up interrupting him and Under the condition of having Marquis Raeven to cooperate, Renner exposes her real self and personality to him and Zanac. She orders Climb to not heed her father's command of fleeing with her, forcing King Ramposa III to acknowledge the former's authority over him. their home nation.[12]. He tends to work hard relentlessly in order to become stronger, both to better serve Renner and to keep her safe from harm's way. [25] Brain Unglaus also attending the tournament volunteered to fight against the travelers Shall and Ku. Ainz tells them to tell the royalty and nobility that the Dark Young will not attack the capital if E-Rantel and its surrounding areas are ceded to him. ago. When she was finally ready, Renner allows Blue Roses to come in and begin their meeting with her, apologizing to them for the long wait until Around this time she accepted Brain Ungluas as her direct subordinate due to Lakyus's recommendation. Capital. discussions was about Eight Fingers and the last brothel in the Royal Capital. Anime Instead it was decided by Lakyus and Renner that Evileye would go and see the situation herself. While their exact resistance varied between type, electricity was one of the more effective energy types. Renner quickly drew a map for Climb to use Its been shown that Renner's obsessive love and adoration of Climb is the main motivator that pushed Renner to do the majority of her actions and plans due to her desire to see the godlike devotional stare of innocence Climb would give her whenever she did good things. Upper Fire Month 7th Day The young warrior had a training session with them but other than that he didnt seem to think anything was out of the ordinary. now. Renner met up with Albedo for the first time at her Royal Family's Dinner Party and converse with the Sorcerer Kingdom's envoy. throne room, she proceeded to stride forth towards her father and murder him with Razor Edge. Magical. For instance, this includes the current state of how the Sorcerer Kingdom's diplomatic Pandora's Actor | in that newly-made construction. to plan deceptively in hiding her love life with Climb behind her fake marriage to his son who is not actually wedded to her but someone he loves.[4]. In the end, he felt it is very fitting of Renner to be an excellent pawn to work under Nazarick. this, Renner was shown to have been fully aware of the current going on's of the castle and easily figured out her brother's actions with little trouble. Climb also believed that the Prince was purposely trying to provoke him to find an excuse to separate him from the princess; thus, following Renner's instructions, he refrained himself from showing any conspicuous signs of anger in his presence. After listening to the Warrior Captain's advice, he left to guard Princess Renner in her room. Out of concern for Climb's well-being, she could not help but stare helplessly at him for challenging Left alone with Climb, Renner began practicing and testing out the weapon to see for herself how compatible she is with the weapon. He asks what happened to the corpses because they might contain clues. After Lockmyer left, the two men were joined by Gazef. creating a possible chance for him to likely die on duty. I am an admin of this site. Affiliation [6], Nevertheless, high-level demons had very high elemental resistances. [23] When the royal family met with the protagonist to reward him for bringing back Gazef safely home, the protagonist requested the management rights of E-Rantel. Renner's True Traits did have 2 Personalities which caused him to feel no remorse after betraying his kingdom. Davernoc | All of the major changes and good works in the Kingdom that were initiated by Renner are all done simply as an act to make herself look like an ideal princess in front of Climb. meet up with her father. [21], Another attack on the city did happen as a result of a deal with the Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth. Particularly if there had been any weird behavioral changes. Renner only able to become demon after a series of unspeakable evil like kill orphans and backstab her father, Climb need to go through that stuff too to able to become a demon like Renner. Kuraimu Renner is a close friend to Lakyus and has hired Blue Roses in the past to combat Eight Fingers. ShutDog1212 5 mo. Evil Lord Envy | Later, she becomes the titular overarching antagonist of the Witch of the Falling Kingdom Arc, with the arc being adapted in the fourth season of the anime. His death was not just to protect his corpse, for future revival but also to keep him quiet that the protagonist and the members of Darkness went missing through the Cracks.. The reward for her service to Nazarick from now on, Raeven's position in the Royalty Faction. Succulent | Before he set off to carry out Renner's task, he was informed of the hidden passageways from the palace to the capital by her father. As her father was unfamiliar with the nation, Renner provided him with some information on it. Climb believes Brain is the only one worthy enough to wield Razor Edge after Gazef had passed away. The human and the princess were said to be guests of Momonga at an undisclosed location.[29]. She kept Blue Roses and the maids managed under her out of the meeting room to Still, she is wary of him, knowing the powerful demon could choose to betray her at any time. However, he cast aside Anime-fying Overlord pictures i have in my phone (some are good some are bad and hands are messed up) 1 / 15. But he's completely unaware of her psychopathic personality and is willing to do almost anything she asked him to, no matter the danger to himself. She would also use his death in order to further manipulate Climb for her own ends. In terms of her outfit, she wears a pure black dress with black heels and replaces the crown decoration in her hair with a black rose. Human RaceHuman destroying the capital city to search for them. However, Climb has proven himself to be quite loyal and determined to protect those he cares about. Renner is described as a young girl with long golden hair, silky smooth and supple as it drapes over the back of her neck. it's the base class for demons. The members of Darkness having heard enough then left. Yes, Overlord is above Elder Lich. They talk about Gazef's desire to not be resurrected and how Climb says that, if he could, he would accept resurrection and serve the Princess until he becomes dust. Genre. After that scheduled walk was done, Renner For her sake, he trains tirelessly every day to improve his swordsmanship in order to repay her kindness. Japanese VA Lockmeier is reminded of his younger self in the past when he looks at Climb. Ryraryus Spenia Ai Indarun, Dragon Lords Later as it turned out, the protagonist filled Renner in that he suspected that the Blue Roses who were currently in E-Rantel were actually imposters. Demon God of Nazarick Fanfiction (Oc x Overlord Anime) Satan was the demon god member of Ainz Ooal Gown, he was known as the war master, with authority on the same level as the Guild Master. After the adventurers left, Climb asked Renner if they should be concerned that the protagonist was investigating their allies as it was suspicious. Understanding Brain's motivation to fight and not to escape, she also respectfully bidded farewell to the warrior and was given back the Re-Estize Kingdom's National Treasure, Razor Edge from him. Philip Dayton L'Eyre Montserrat, Baharuth Empire She was told by him that the outcome of winning or losing wouldn't matter because they have no other choice but to be confronted by the enemy in battle anyways. Climb realizes the sudden change and decided to head back to the palace to find out what was going on. After the young warrior witnessed the protagonist get sucked into the Crack that opened up, the Shadow Demon was forced kill the human to not just fulfill the agreement but to keep the protagonist disappearance secret. She was acknowledged by the Guardian Overseer Albedo to be more than ready in working for Nazarick as Ainz lavishly praised her feats. She even passed out new revolutionary ideas to rebuild the nation. On the other hand, she happens to be called the Golden Princess due to her instrumental role in some of the major changes that have happened within the Re-Estize Kingdom. The most important event of which He and Brain later run into Gazef on the battlefield, where they both see Ainz Ooal Gown for the first time. While so, Renner explains how she herself knew that Marquis Blumrush, a Great Noble of the Royalty Faction, had betrayed the Re-Estize Kingdom for the applied perfume to herself, while she picked out her gown to wear. Capital, away from Ro-Lente Castle. Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself () l cu cng cha ca Vng Quc Re-Estize, con gi t ca vua Ramposa III v l em cng cha khc m vi Thi t Barbro v Hong t Zanac. Sebas Tians intelligence reports. She reasons with Climb that all the other adventurers have already been hired for the task of Frustrated at what the Sorcerer King had done to drive his friends away from his life, he bitterly walks away with Renner to help make some preparations before visiting her father. As they prepare to escort them to safety, a powerful demon with injuries landed near them. 6212. The princess wished the protagonist luck as her father agreed to guard E-Rantel in his place until he returned. She believes that this was the meticulous doing of the Sorcerer King and can't help but Renner engages in a conversation with Lakyus about what she had been doing until now and how everyone including the members of Blue Roses are making use of their time before the fall of the Royal Capital Successfully gaining immense secret political power over the Re-Estize Kingdom upon agreeing to "assist" her brother Zanac in handling the many affairs of the Kingdom after his rise to power as the Crown Prince and later as the King Regent. Clementine | When the mock combat demonstration was taking place, Brain suggested he join in to win the Longevity Nut for Renner. Although in reality, it was Succulent who was disguised as Tuare in an attempt to get the latter to let down their guard, the attempt ended in failure as he is defeated by both Climb and Lockmyer. Thus, Climb attempted to extract vengeance on his during their duel. He sees Brain as someone who can potentially inherit Gazef Stronoff's will. the Re-Estize Kingdom and how it all contributed to Climb encouraging her to do. The floor guardians, with the exceptions of Ainz and Sebas, as they appear in the first light novel. Though his concerns were put at ease by the Princess to trust the protagonist as he has never let them done before. Overlord II Episode 1. Gagaraneven taught him some of her sword techniques and Evileyesometimes gives him some advice. He hears Evileye say that she can't defeat the Sorcerer King and that she is uncertain who is more powerful between the Sorcerer King and Momon. believed that Renner was possibly put under mind-control and forced to kill her own father against her will. You can't just waltz into the royal castle. Zero | Renner herself has now become so deliriously happy with her new situation with Climb as servants to the Sorcerer Kingdom and has now begun thinking and pondering if she should have her first time with him now or savor it later. Lockmeier the mission of rescuing survivors held captive by the demons within the firewall. As with their appearance, demons possess a variety of unholy abilities although these depend on the ranking of the demon itself. Personal Information In that time period, it was believed these demons held the power to destroy the world, as there were none who could possibly challenge them. general. Overlord season 4 episode 13 titled The Witch of the Falling Kingdom, opens with Princess Renner on her way to meet her father, King Ramposa III, with Climb. . After a discussion between Renner and Lakyus began, he was shocked to find that all of a sudden, Gagaran and Tia launched a decisive combo attack repeatedly on their team leader. Entoma Vasilissa Zeta | Before he headed out [26], Climb was given permission by Renner to leave her side, as Lakyus and Gagaran volunteered to act as her escorts, so that he could join in E-Rantel's Harvest Festival. The princess could only say that Lakyus had left the city around noon for a job she could not speak about which the adventurers found interesting as it meant that Blue Roses was involved in a job that they could not share with Renner. Overlord Volume 3 Climb accepted it and decide to stay with her. [14], Renner listened to a briefing from her friend Lakyus with Climb on the Cracks that have appeared throughout the world. Chain Climb for herself as her own possession (all succeeded). Before he could complain any further, Climb was stopped in his tracks by his liege as Renner told him to respect the decision Brain had chosen. Gargantua | Sebas offered his thanks to the group for taking part in the success of rescuing Tuare and all parted their separate ways soon afterward. Due to being resurrected back to life, Climb's entire body was without strength, so not even his vocal cords or muscles could move to his whim much to his confusion. After the Crack sucked many of the people at the institute, a Shadow Demon that was secretly following the human complied with the necessary orders to kill Climb. His death was the result of an condition of Princess Renner, through her collusion with the Sorcerer Kingdom. She even holds him in the same honorifics as the many NPCs of Nazarick like "Supreme Being.". [18] The bodyguard arrived at E-Rantel with the princess and the latter promptly hired the famed protagonist to solve the mystery as to why there were many refugees vanishing before the news tarnished the Kingdom's reputation among the Alliance. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! It is unknown how Renner would act if she birthed any offspring between herself and Climb; since its unlikely she would develop a mother's love, especially as an imp. atrocities the Sorcerer Kingdoms army had committed along their way towards the capital will most likely continue to happen. [6], During the Demonic Disturbance, Climb along with Brain and Lockmyer, are in charge of finding the civilians captured by the demons. Demons are considered by the New World inhabitants to be otherworldly beings that hailed from the Demon World. When Brain bids farewell to him and Renner, Climb voices his disapproval of the warrior's choice to leave them and fight the Sorcerer King. Inspired by stories of selling one's soul to the devil to fulfill one's wishes. Wouldn't elder lich be below overlord of death. Knight Renner states her intention to Evileye and Tina that she is looking for potential people like them who can help identify talents within then proceed to take care of Climb and look after him afterward as he feels weak and tiresome from a loss of life energy. While publicly known as the "Golden Princess," she is actually a yandere infatuated with her bodyguard, Climb, and later sold out her country to the Sorcerer Kingdom. Brain decides to carry Gazef's body back while Climb carries Razor Edge. Described as a spiritual heteromorph, Renner is a human, yet one of the most inhumane characters in the entireOverlord series, even worse than the likes of Clementine. Renner is described as a young girl with long golden hair, silky smooth and supple as it drapes over the back of her neck. [20] When Gazef was out on a mission, Climb was busy training in the training ground of the fortress city. corrupt nobles who stood in the way of her plans. Coby Lewin Defense. "That's right kid, you better run, or bad things will happen to you too," the other guard said as he laughed. relations with the Holy Kingdom, Baharuth Empire, and the Dwarf Kingdom were like in various areas like trade. She expressed how the children in her orphanage are her treasure, feeling it is her duty and responsibility to look after them who no longer have parents due to the recent turn of events surrounding the Massacre at Katze Plains. [20] Weeks later she would be the voice that urged her father to accept an offer of an alliance with the protagonist's nation, in exchange for him accepting a mission to locate a missing Gazef Stronoff. Evil Lord Greed, Other Members 69. [21] After the protagonist accepted the mission, Renner also asked Blue Roses to go with the adventurer and also made preparations with the Pharmacist's Guild to be ready for an injured Warrior Captain. Secretly, Renner is also a selfish psychopath, who has never cared about anyone else at all. [3], While heading back to the palace, he saw Sebas confronting a group of drunkards who were beating up a defenseless child. She understandsthe concept of both good and evil, but she doesn't hesitate to commit evil acts to benefit her own goals. At some point, Renner had asked the Blue Roses to attack three drug-plantation villages under the control of a crime syndicate and investigate it alongside other installations belonging to them. Overlord II Episode 1 Thanks to her acting skill, Renner successfully hid her true, twisted personality for several years. Demiurge is one of the main protagonists of the light novel series Overlord. They don't follow him and run into each other when Brain flees. Nigredo | Before he proceeded to fight them, Climb was forced to kneel before the Sorcerer King by Demiurge's power. Mainly due to the king's continued Once there, she will go on to assist her employees in cooking and feeding them meals. Upon exiting the bedroom, she went on her knees and frantically apologized to Albedo for getting her master the Sorcerer King to help with the preparations of the poison and the theatrics in the Ro-Lente level 150+++ level 100++ level 100+ level 100 HP. 0. Initially presented as a caring and sweet young princess, Renner soon reveals herself to be nothing but an obsessive sadist. Renner planned to hand the sword Razor Edge off to her father after everything is cleared up on her end. After being welcomed into Nazarick, Albedo is now Renner's direct superior. Join. by her side.[2]. True enough, when Brain resigned his post and went ahead to make his last stand during the Siege of the Royal Capital, Renner did not object. This doesn't make sense unless you accept that she is working with Nazarick. It was during his fight against Succulent that Climb unleashes his newest Martial Art: Limit Breaker Mind, which he learned from confronting Sebas' killing intent. Overall, the Golden Princess is the type of person unbound by the petty constraints of morality. Renner was sternly warned that this gift was not provided to her because she has [17] Later after the protagonist rose to the rank of a platinum adventurer, the mayor of E-Rantel informed her of the new adventurer via a letter. The two of them agree to act as bait in order to give a chance for Ramposa III to escape. She understands the concept of both good and evil, but she doesn't hesitate to commit evil acts to benefit her own goals. Before the operation against Eight Fingers begins, she enlisted the help of the warrior captain Gazef Stronoff to participate. Ryta saka It was right after the fight that all four notice a wall of flame within a distance of their location. She wears a fashionable white dress, which further strengthens her image of purity. Affiliation However she had no qualms betraying him, and later Renner possessed no hesitation in killing him herself in order to prove her loyalty to the Sorcerer Kingdom.