Find Installed Software using SCCM CMPivot In the CMPivot tool, select the Query tab. Lists computers that have the App-V client application installed. Lists information about the video controllers found on Configuration Manager clients. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Choose the device collection against which you want to run the CMPivot. Reply. Lists information about the IDE controllers found on Configuration Manager clients. Lists information about the actions that Windows clients take when they experience an unrecoverable error. How to handle a hobby that makes income in US, Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor. Lists information about the Direct Memory Access (DMA) channels found on client computers. In this example, the Collection ID = MEM0002D. We make this application Required for all users with a requirement rule where the requirement is set to check if the application is installed on the system (just a simple check on the presence of an executable). Lists information about the unique system enclosures found on Configuration Manager clients, including serial number, SMBIOS asset tag, and so on. Both come from hardware inventory though so until the systems perform their hardware inventory and send this to the site, the site is unaware of any changes and thus the collections can't reflect the changes and neither can resource explorer as resource I know how to build a custom object i'm just wondering the difference in how you suggest it. You can create WQL Query to find out the devices with a specific application installed. When you run a command such as Get-CimInstance Win32_Product it causes every single application installed via Windows Installer to perform a consistency check, and if any problems are found, it runs an automated and silent repair. Lists information about the Exchange ActiveSync service on Configuration Manager clients, including the version and last synchronization time. Read the post for more information. This would be to assign configuration profiles for specific apps. Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying. Also when using your script to uninstall Dell SupportAssist as a test I get the following error: Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Object not a collection. Lists information about the device drivers found on Configuration Manager clients. Many organizations today use Microsoft office to simply the work. And we get much the same information as the WMI command. User Installed Software and Why You Should Care He is a Solution Architect in enterprise client management with more than 20 years of experience (calculation done in 2021) in IT. Why is this application still showing in the Resource Explorer list when if you look at the machine, it's clearly not installed? You can configure multiple query rules for each collection. Is it possible to query installed MS office updates bij KB number ? Like many others, I too first reached for Win32_Product before I knew better. If its not there then something must be up with the software inventory classes or the computers not reporting back. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Lists the WMI classes that are collected by Configuration Manager hardware inventory by class ID. This view is unlikely to be joined to other views. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. #ConfigMgr Query for all software installed for all machines in a Lets check how to add additional filters such as Installed Application Version details to the existing dynamic query for Collection. As shown in the below list, you need to create a WQL query based on Installed Software. Win32_product Class is not query optimized. Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2, WQL Subquery as field value, CIMV2 WMI WQL query for WMI-Filter. The view is also listed and described in the Asset intelligence views in Configuration Manager topic. pls suggest. Now click OK and save your collection. inventory uses as well). For that specific scenario (and assuming Windows since it doesn't make sense on iOS or Android necessarily), you could/would deploy the update to all devices using a Win32 App and use the detection method to ensure it only runs on systems where the update is applicable -- this is the entire purpose of Win32 apps having a detection method. Does Counterspell prevent from any further spells being cast on a given turn? I recently had to identify the easiest way to accurately query machines that had more than one piece of software installed, and make a collection from them. The advice online for this particular app is to use a WMI command and then deploy it as a package. So here is how I ended up doing it using the Name/Expression method in Select-Object: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! The view is also listed and described in the Asset intelligence views in Configuration Manager topic. There has been a growing trend of application vendors making installers that deploy to a users profile (%userprofile%\AppData). Lists information about Terminal Services key packs found on client computers. I'm struggling to create a WQL query for SCCM as I'm really new and rarely use it in a complex manner. Let's say we can't call the uninstaller for a particular product. Use this procedure to create a query in Configuration Manager. Lists information about the 64-bit software installed on Configuration Manager client computers that is shown in the list of installed programs in Windows Control Panel. inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_64 on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_64.ResourceId = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS_64.DisplayName like "APP%NAME". | where (Device !like %PC001%) | where (Device !like %PC002%) Lists computers that have the App-V client package installed. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Are you talking On my admittedly ancient i7 with an SSD for the OS volume it takes over a minute. A quick web search of this class name will net you multiple hits discussing this. Does a barbarian benefit from the fast movement ability while wearing medium armor? Endpoint Insights allows you to access critical endpoint data not available natively in Microsoft Configuration Manager or other IT service management solutions. near the Path field and choose the folder you want to store the report in. specific to ConfigMgr. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. This quickly shows you what columns are in the view and what info you can get from it. The CMPivot query will attempt to run on all devices but in case the device is offline or not contactable, you would get to know about it in the query output. Select Google Chrome from the Values window. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Navigate to \ Assets and Compliance \Overview\ Device Collections. if you have SCCM in place already all the GUIDs are within the db you can see them by running. Looking for an SCCM query that will show Software Install Date listed The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. You will most likely need to invest a little time in filtering out things you arent interested in. SCCM Collection Query for Devices with specific software installed and This view can be joined to other views by using the ResourceID column. This view is unlikely to be joined to other views. oh ok. Let me try to make a query with the 32 bit. Lists general information about inventoried client devices including the manufacturer and model. The Where field in the Criterion Properties window is filled with the value with Installed Software ARPDisplay Name as explained in the above list. For years Ive seen blog posts, scripts, forum messages, you name it - all referencing the Win32_Product WMI class when someone is looking for a way to list installed applications on a Windows system. The view is also listed and described in the Mobile device management views in Configuration Manager topic. Is there a solutiuon to add special characters from software and how to do it, Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. The v_GS_SoftwareFile and v_SoftwareProduct views are joined by the ProductID column, and the v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK and v_R_System views are joined to v_GS_SoftwareFile by using the ResourceID columns. This view is unlikely to be joined to other views. Recently we had the need to get a list of all software installed on a group of systems in a collection in ConfigMgr. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact SELECT * FROM v_r_system. You need to avoid creating collections based on each application installed to reduce the impact of high-cost collection evaluation and performance issues. Lists information about the login profiles found on Configuration Manager clients. Afterwards deploy to all those machines and in the script do the more complicated checks (could even check sccm execution history), and in case the program is detected as sccm installed or does match whatever your criteria is do nothing, in case it is not correct it. The check would only have to be done if the user is a member of the Dynamic group. When you get queries right, then make the second collection limited to the first collection. One one occasion it caused a BSOD on an Exchange server. Thank you for the detailed report Sir. These details available in resource explorer can help us with troubleshooting scenarios. Lists information about the browser objects found on Configuration Manager clients through Asset Intelligence. When a resource is in a collection, the application installs. Then name your query and click Edit Query Statement. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. I don't want it to overwrite any device that currently has the 32bit version of office installed. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. SQL Server views in Configuration Manager, More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, How to extend hardware inventory in Configuration Manager, Sample queries for hardware inventory in Configuration Manager, Asset intelligence views in Configuration Manager, Mobile device management views in Configuration Manager. Lists all system console usage information for Configuration Manager clients found through Asset Intelligence by polling the Windows System Security Event Log. SCCM Query - PCs with More than One Software - ONSB Lists information about the network item found on Configuration Manager clients, and organized by ResourceID and then by GroupID. Lists software licensing service information for Windows Configuration Manager clients found through Asset Intelligence. Larry - Cheers, yeah this has been over a week or so but I think we have it setup over a shorter time span anyway! Make sure you replace the product name with one that you want to find and device name as well. Whether you call that with VBScript, PowerShell, a batch file or anything else is irrelevant. You can create a collection based on any of the applications. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. That is an example someone else came up with to solve this problem. This view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. rev2023.3.3.43278. OPEN - SCCM Report on software installed through software center | SCCM | Configuration Manager | Intune | Windows Forums Home Forums What's new Contact Log in Register This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Is it correct to use "the" before "materials used in making buildings are"? in progress 0. To compare run times, the above takes 2.159 seconds on my PC. I basically use the Scrips option to run live queries and find the info I need. Lists details about the Windows environment variables found on client computers. InstalledSoftware document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Integrate Third-Party Patch Management in Microsoft ConfigMgr and Intune. Choose the device collection against which you want to run the CMPivot. This includes the manufacturer, the install date and more. Lists virtual application package information found on Configuration Manager clients. Many hardware inventory views are created in Configuration Manager by default, and many more can be enabled or creating classes by using the hardware inventory classes dialog box, accessible from client settings. If the application is installed the user is added to the dynamic group and this group can then be used as a required Installation group for the Application that was previously published to All Users (with a requirement rule). When you run a CMPivot query, it immediately runs a query on all currently connected devices in the target collection and returns the results. What is the difference between Applications and Software in the SCCM world? Powershell WQL query (SCCM) how do you filter on two WHERE? Includes the name of the hotfix, who installed it and when, a description of the hotfix, and more. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. You can this report using the query mentioned in the below . file, Python, Ruby, etc. If you want to remove any other product from the report, use DisplayName0 NOT LIKE 'Product name %'. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. | where Device == PC001 | where Device == PC002. Lists information about the certificates on devices, including the revision ID, issuer, where it is located in the certificate store, the subject, the dates the certificate is valid, and so on. what if you have many specific devices you want to check for in a go Lists the inventory classes and properties used by Configuration Manager hardware inventory. Out workaround at the moment (in a tenant attached, co-managed SCCM/Intune environment): create SCCM collections based on the installed software and sync to an AAD group to assign the configuration profile. You can replace the word Flash with the name of the application you want to search for. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. Lists information about Windows hotfixes installed on client computers. The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column. In the Configuration Manager console, select Monitoring. Application scripts is anytype of script, vbs, batch, ps1, etc. Includes the capacity, manufacturer, description and more. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies.