The Foundation seeks to help ensure the vitality of our social, economic, and governmental institutions. Her research has been published in journals including the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Public Economics, and the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, and funded by the National Science Foundation, the Spencer Foundation for Education Research, the American Educational Research Association, and the Smith Richardson . We release the authoritative Handbook of Leadership Development, integrating our years of experience and knowledge about how to help leaders and managers develop. The organization also professes to develop political, legal and technological tools "to build democratic capacity.". Today, the buildings house the Greensboro Historical Museum. You have permission to edit this article. National Security Archive Suite 701, Gelman Library The George Washington University 2130 H Street, NW Washington, D.C., 20037. Dr. Schadlow holds a B.A. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Center on Irregular Warfare and Armed Groups, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, "Smith Richardson Foundation: Our Mission",, Anti-communist organizations in the United States, Political and economic research foundations in the United States, Articles lacking reliable references from February 2022, Articles needing additional references from April 2022, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Support research in U.S. foreign and domestic public policy, Peter L. Richardson, Chairman of the Board. Thomas, Cal. PitchBooks data visualizations help you see a limited partners commitmentsshowing a breakdown of activity by fund type and region, complete with performance metrics. In 1992, Peter L. Richardson, a nephew of R. Randolph Richardson, assumed the presidency of the Foundation, while Heather Higgins, the daughter of R. Randolph Richardson, became president of the Randolph Foundation. The Smith Richardson Foundation is a private foundation based in Westport, Connecticut that supports policy research in the realms of foreign and domestic public policy. According to the its website, the International Security and Foreign Policy Program aims to assist the U.S. The Randolph Foundation is a New York-based charitable foundation that first operated in 1972 as the H. Smith Richardson Charitable Trust. As editor-in-chief, D'Souza used the newspaper to out homosexual students by investigating subscribers, including their parents. The mission of the Smith Richardson Foundation is to contribute to important public debates and to address serious public policy challenges facing the United States. The . . Carlson, Julie Campbell. policy community in developing effective national security strategies and foreign policies.[5], Together with the Olin and Bradley Foundations, Smith Richardson has been a key supporter of AEI since the 1980s, when the think tank emerged as an influential policy shop. The Randolph Foundation sponsors numerous projects that examine current public policy and offer policy alternatives. Our first campus, in Greensboro, NC, is designed and built to include innovative features seminar rooms, sensory evaluation facilities, and rooms where leadership simulations can be enacted. In its early years, the Smith Richardson Foundation supported projects to encourage judicial reform in North Carolina and to strengthen anticommunist organizations. [13], Lenkowsky also oversaw SRF's efforts to fund college newspapers, including The Dartmouth Review, where a young Dinesh D'Souza got his start. Again working with New River Media and the team from Think Tank, the foundation provided funding for Heaven on Earth: the Rise and Fall of Socialism. Richardson is regarded as a prospect with a high ceiling, but there are some questions about consistency. and Ph.D. degrees from the John Hopkins Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). The Randolph Foundation is a New York -based charitable foundation that first operated in 1972 as the H. Smith Richardson Charitable Trust. CBS lawyers countered that conservative philanthropies such as Scaife (the largest backer), Olin, and Smith Richardson were "using the general to advance their own objectives: to legitimize the Vietnam War, intimidate the media, and lower the legal obstacles to libel judgments. "[11] In particular, Lenkowsky thought that Podhoretz's and Kristol's ideas would "have a long-term impact" on how people thought about public affairs. Service. Guardian US today announces the appointment of Susan Smith Richardson as a managing editor. [8] Foundation Center, Smith Richardson Foundation 990 IRS Form, 2007, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, After retirement, Richardson devoted more time to philanthropy, using his foundation to support local charitable interests and expand on his belief in the power of individuals to capitalize on the opportunity afforded them in a democratic society. Davidson Goldin, "Law Center Wages a Fight against Political Correctness," The New York Times, August 13, 1995, [6] A PBS synopsis of the film portrayed its central ideas as follows: The Randolph Foundation was one source of funding for God and the Inner City, a one-hour 2003 documentary chiefly backed by the Pew Charitable Trusts which examined both faith-based and secular charities operating in inner-city environs. From 2008 - 2014, Mr. Aleksashenko was a Director of macroeconomic research at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow and served as a member of the boards for Aeroflot-Russian Airlines, United Grain Company and United Aircraft Corporation. The 2005 film was shown as a three-part mini-series on PBS and is a companion film to the 2002 book of the same name by Joshua Muravchik. Discretionary grant making represents about 18 percent of the Foundation's overall giving; the remainder is directed by our donors through established funds. Chairman of the Board of Trustees, President, Governor & Co-Chief Investment Officer, Youre viewing 5 of 8 team members. To remain strong and resilient in a rapidly changing world, one thing matters most: leadership. Created in 1935 by H. Smith Richardson, son of medicine entrepreneur Lunsford Richardson, the inventor of Vicks VapoRub, the foundation is managed by members of the Richardson family, whose various drug companies have created a number of well-known products, including Clearasil, Nyquil, and Oil of Olay cream. David Deming is the Isabelle and Scott Black Professor of Political Economy and the Academic Dean of the Harvard Kennedy School.He is also the Faculty Dean of Kirkland House at Harvard College and a Research Associate at NBER.. His research focuses on higher education, economic inequality, skills, technology, and the future of the labor market. Dr. Nadia Schadlow isa senior fellow at the Hudson Institute andaNational Security Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution. Philanthropy Roundtable. 3/12/2018: Wings for Life Trustees have fiduciary responsibility for the corporation's physical and financial assets, operations, and tax-exempt status. From a small beginning in the Piedmont Building downtown, the nonprofit center has grown into a $52 million annual operation, which includes campuses here and in Colorado Springs, Colo., and programs in San Diego and Brussels, Belgium. This mission is embodied in their domestic and international grant programs. You can also call our Donor Line at 617-338-2213, or click here to send an email to our Donor Services team. [21] Then-AEI president Christopher DeMuth was a contributing analyst to the project; Robert W. Crandall and Clifford Winston represented Brookings. Heather Higgins (ne Richardson) is its President.[2]. This location serves clients on the U.S. West Coast as well as Latin America. Smith & Richardson, Inc. P.O. "Liberal bias in colleges bleeds into classroom. 02/11/2022. Fast-track your prospect research with a Professional plan subscription. If you would like us to contact you for follow up, please include your name and e-mail address and we will be in touch. ", Selden, Steven. The arguments and estimation were considerably strengthened by the comments of anonymous referees. H. Smith Richardson, founder of Smith Richardson Foundation. Smith Richardson Foundation: Domestic Public Policy Program: Weblink: Continuous/Rolling: Sony USA Foundation Inc. Corporate Social Responsibility Grants: Weblink: . Smith passed away in 1972. Mary Richardson then spent $120,000 to renovate the old church and donated it to the city as a public library, museum, art and civic center. We celebrate 50 years of pioneering the leadership development industrys best practices. Hanushek and Rivkin thank the Donner Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, and the Packard Humanities Institute for funding, and Kain thanks the Smith-Richardson Foundation and the Spencer Foundation. It transitioned to independence from the Smith Richardson Foundation, assuming the name of The Randolph Foundation from 1991-1993, and was reconstituted as a NY non-profit corporation in 2002. Norman Schwarzkopf, who led American forces in the Persian Gulf War, is a center graduate. Label vector designed by Ibrandify -, (2004). Prior to joining the National Security Council she was a senior program officer at the Smith Richardson Foundation, where she identified strategic issues that warrant further attention from the U.S. policy community and managed and developed programs and projects related to these issues. Father and son combined those interests in 1970 to start the Center for Creative Leadership. Subscribe to our email newsletters that highlight our latest research-based articles, products, programs, and more to help you strengthen your leadership skills. OSCAR. [9] SRFs Board of Governors also includes numerous high-profile hawkish figures like former General Jack Keane, former CIA Director James Woolsey, and former George W. Bush administration official and Foundation for Defense of Democracies board member Paula Dobriansky. Rosenberg, "John Kamm's Third Way," The New York Times, March 3, 2002, [12], Naomi Schaefer Riley received a grant from the foundation for her book, God on the Quad: How Religious Colleges and the Missionary Generation Are Changing America. The Richardson family fortune dated to the 1890s, when Lunsford Richardson moved from Selma in eastern North Carolina to Greensboro to buy a drugstore in the 100 block of South Elm Street. ", "York repeated disputed claim that bin Laden warned U.S. states to vote against Bush. SRF's mission is to contribute to important public debates and to help address serious public policy challenges facing the United States. [22] Cindy Skrzycki, "Bringing Brainpower to the Commentary on Rules," The Washington Post, October 9, 1998. Richardson corresponded with Governor Farris Bryant of Florida regarding the . George Lardner Jr., "Pittsburgh Millionaire Financed Westmoreland's Suit against CBS, February 28, 1985, Such projects include television programs, films, books, and academic studies. One of the family's first large philanthropic gifts was in the 1930s when Mary Richardson, Richardson Jr.'s grandmother and the wife of the first Lunsford Richardson, paid $100,000 to buy the old First Presbyterian Church at Davie Street and Summit Avenue. He served in the Navy during World War II. Now the longest-running program of its kind in the world, LDP has over 100K alumni around the globe. He then flew to Greensboro that Monday to meet with local members of the family, whose familiar last names include Preyer, Carlson and Boney, and to tell workers at the large manufacturing plant on West Market Street extension near the airport. In 1898, he founded the Lunsford Richardson Wholesale Drug Company and seven years later, he founded Vick Family Remedies Company, dedicated to selling twenty-one Vicks products. CCL opens a new campus in Singapore to serve leaders in the Asia-Pacific region. Competitive Engagement: Upgrading America's Influence, 5 Missed Opportunities in Planning the Future of the Army, Six Seductive Stories That Undercut the Army, She served in the Trump Administrationas Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Strategy on the National Security Council.