Last Monday, I provided international health organizations, including the WHO, with my analysis of the current pandemic as based on scientifically informed insights in the immune biology of Covid-19. Integendeel, de uitbraken zijn onder controle gebracht.. David Gorski / March 18, 2021 This is only going to be possible provided it escapes to the S-specific Abs that are momentarily raised in previously asymptomatically infected subjects. In verschillende video's op YouTube waarschuwt de Belgische wetenschapper Geert Vanden Bossche voor een ramp nog groter dan de coronacrisis zelf. Al was het maar om het lezerspubliek niet langer voor de gek te houden besluit Vanden Bossche. Ik ben onafhankelijk en neutraal, heb geen aandelen bij vaccin fabrikanten en ben niet gebonden aan contracten die bepalen wat ik al dan niet mag zeggen. mRNA-vaccins werden al volop ontwikkeld vr COVID-19 uitbrak (En coronavaccins zoals Pfizer en Moderna maken gebruik van messenger-RNA dat in de cellen van de mens eiwitten aanmaakt van virusuitsteeksels, red.). Menu. While mutations to SARS-CoV-2 would be happening regardless of any human intervention, the notion that vaccination might apply evolutionary pressure toward variants that can escape current vaccines is not untenable. This makes no sense, Yale's Omer told us. In deze video legt vaccinoloog Corinne Vandermeulen uit waarom er een groot verschil is tussen antibiotica en vaccins (lees eronder voort): Het klopt ook niet dat een onvolledige vaccinatie tot meer nieuwe vormen van het virus zou leiden. De community ruimte is een vrije online ruimte (blog) waar vrijwilligers en organisaties hun opinies kunnen publiceren. The resulting type of immune response is unprecedented and licenses the host immune system to readily eliminate infection or to cure disease across a broad range of unrelated pathogens and/ or mammalian species. Aangezien het geen debat betreft maar een reactie op een reactie in de vorm van een monoloog is het als leek moeilijk in te schatten wie er wetenschappelijk gelijk heeft. Its another step in the decades-long erasure of the fact that our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and dont need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry. In any case, I got a particularly strong brave maverick vibe from this passage: While there is no time to spare, I have not received any feedback thus far. He even entitled his nonsensical screed The Sixth Extinction: Vaccine Immunity and Measles Mutants in a Virgin Soil. Vervolgens wijst hij erop dat de gekende experten nooit ge-fact-checkt worden. NK cells are part of the cellular arm of our innate immune system and, alike [sic] natural Abs, they are capable of recognizing and attacking a broad and diversified spectrum of pathogenic agents. Geert Vanden Bossche is een Belgische dierenarts, viroloog, zelfverklaard mRNA-vaccinatie specialist en onafhankelijk onderzoeker en adviseur op het gebied van vaccins. Zijn pleidooi werd vooral opgevangen en verspreid in de vaccin-kritische beweging. Specifically, Im referring to the abuse of evolutionary theory by antivaxxers to claim that vaccines select for more deadly variants of pathogenic viruses and bacteria, making mass vaccination programs dangerous or even potentially catastrophic. De inhoud is, tenzij anders aangegeven, beschikbaar onder. While Vanden Bossche's ideas may be rooted in actual scientific concepts, his argument quite explicitly relies on sweeping assumptions. "Zelfs van levende kunstenaars als Dillemans worden er tekeningen Herman De Croo gaat extra vergoeding bovenop pensioen schenken aan Stichting tegen Kanker, Mannen getuigen over seksueel geweld tijdens de oorlog: "Het is erger dan afgeranseld worden", Zus van Olivier Vandecasteele reageert op uitspraak Grondwettelijk Hof: "Beste dat wij konden verwachten", Acteur Tom Sizemore (61), bekend van "Saving private Ryan" en "Heat", overleden. Door verder te surfen gaat u akkoord met. He asserts that his statements "are based on nothing else but science." He does apparently have some history working on vaccines. I think that grifters recognize fellow grifters, and Frei recognized that Dr. Vanden Bossche is stoking fear of existing COVID-19 vaccines to produce a sales rationale for his own NK-based vaccine, just as Andrew Wakefield stoked fear of the MMR in order to support his own measles vaccine. Hij beweert dat de coronavaccins ertoe zullen leiden dat het coronavirus verder muteert en zo bestand wordt tegen die vaccins. "In de wetenschap weten we nog lang niet alles, dat klopt, maar als iemand een nieuwe claim maakt moet hij wel uitleggen hoe hij dat onderzocht heeft, wie de controlegroep was, enzoverder. So, as we grow up, we increasingly mount pathogen-specific immunity, including highly specific Abs., Geert Vanden Bossche (@GVDBossche) March 15, 2021, The science behind the catastrophic consequences of thoughtless human intervention in the Covid-19 pandemic. Maar een vaccin werkt niet rechtstreeks in op een virus." Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: Warning Against Monkeypox Vaccinations Moreover, as Nirenberg points out, there is an increasing body of evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine is not leaky. The classic example of a leaky vaccine is actually the one for Mareks disease, caused by a herpesvirus that infects chicken and causes lymphoma among other illnesses. Er zijn overigens niet veel mutaties nodig voor een bacterie om resistent te worden tegen een antibioticum. Frans historicus Emmanuel Todd (volledig interview): Derde Wereldoorlog is al begonnen, Met 3000 kwamen ze naar Brussel op 26 februari 2023, Europe for Peace. Its a very interesting question. Dat zijn cellen die bij ons immuunsysteem horen. Men noemt mij een stalker omdat ik oproep tot debat. Is het Russisch volk goedgelovig en volgzaam? Je krijgt daardoor minder besmettingen en daardoor ook minder mutaties. Freya Van den Bossche - Wikipedia All of these variants were discovered prior to any widespread vaccination program. As a result, I thought it worth providing this rebuttal and links to an even better rebuttal, to SBM readers in order to disseminate this information more widely. Dr. Vanden Bossche has publicized his letter on Twitter: In this open letter I am appealing to the @WHO and all stakeholders involved, no matter their conviction, to immediately declare such action as THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN. Dr Geert Vanden Bossche from Belgium - what's the truth? Ik heb een lijst van professoren die mijn bezorgdheden delen en zal deze publiceren. Basically, its a race against evolution to get as many people as possible vaccinated before the virus can evolve resistance to the vaccine, and were fortunate that, contrary to Bossches claim, SARs-CoV-2 does not mutate very fast for an RNA virus. On March 6, 2021, a Belgian veterinarian named Geert Vanden Bossche published an open letter"to all authorities, scientists and experts around the world" asserting that, in his expert analysis, the current global COVID-19 vaccination program will "wipe out large parts of our human population." More recently, he set up his own website to publicize his letter: We've put together a website to gather all information, scientific documents and interviews I've posted on this public health emergency. We'll try to work on further translations and regular updates. Variants are "a thing to keep an eye on," Saad Omer, an epidemiologist who serves as director of the Yale Institute for Global Health, told us in a phone interview. As we explain below, this scenario is speculative, scientifically flawed, logically inconsistent, and belied by actual data. His LinkedIn profile lists several jobs in upper management positions, including a three-year stint as the senior program officer for vaccine discovery at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Volgens hem kan dat vooral gebeuren wanneer mensen slechts n dosis krijgen, of te lang moeten wachten op een tweede. GEERT VANDEN BOSSCHE: 'MY FINAL CALL' - Apple Before this open letter, I hadnt recalled ever having heard of Dr. Vanden Bossche before, so I looked around. Bedrijven krijgen massaal phishingmails die van sociale secretariaten zoals Acerta lijken te komen, oplichters bellen Neen, Zelenski wordt niet gevolgd door een geheime dubbelganger, wel door zijn bodyguard, CHECK - Waarom sommige mensen hun eID-kaart in de microgolfoven steken. Vanden Bossche describes himself on LinkedIn as the inventor of a new type of vaccine that "harnesses the power of the immune system by unlocking the untapped potential of self-centered [NK] cells capable of recognising these unconventional antigens. Feb 18 Replying to @RespectingFA My intention was to write a scientific work to provide my fellow scientists with the indispensable insight that they now so often lack. By the time I get through this, I suspect youll understand why the misinformation that Dr. Vanden Bossche is selling (and I use the word selling intentionally, as I suspect theres grift involved) is nonsense and nothing more than repackaged antivax tropes. (I note that Dr. Vanden Bossche only set up his Twitter account two weeks ago and already has over 16K followers.) At this point, I will also mention that, because Ed Nirenberg produced an excellent rebuttal of Dr. Vanden Bossches mangling of immunology in his letter, Ill stick more to my lane (mostly, anyway), although there will be some overlap. Waar is de vrouwelijke kant van de oorlog? En nooit is het probleem daardoor groter gemaakt. Lets compare Dr. Vanden Bossches letter to what Wakefield wrote back in 2019. Because his proposed solution appears to be a fantasy, its effect would be to stop vaccinations completely and replace them with nothing. The mechanism he invokes is that vaccine-produced antibodies will "outcompete" the more general defenses of the innate immune system. Geert Vanden Bossche - Biography - IMDb Even if it were evolving resistance, once again, the answer would be to reformulate the vaccine in order to include the altered antigens, the same conclusion made when considering the possibility that B. pertussis was evolving resistance or that evolutionary drift was leading to the predominance of strains not covered by the vaccine. Het onderzoek ernaar is nog zeer pril. Duitsland blokkeert goedkeuring, Auto rijdt binnen in huis in Mol, bestuurder pleegt vluchtmisdrijf. Knack wou mijn reactie niet publiceren, het was nochtans een eer-rovend vuilbakartikel van Rien Emmery. This brings us to our topic, a misinformation-filled open letter by a scientist named Geert Vanden Bossche that went viral over the weekend. geert vanden bossche - Senior program officer - LinkedIn A recent review article suggests that immune escape by variants of SARS-CoV-2 is a possibility, but one that hasnt been definitively observed or demonstrated yet: So is there cause for concern?
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