When police interviewed Buddys cousin, she recalled that her aunt said that Buddy left to go see Jessie sometime before the murders occurred but did not return till the next day. Not even Damien, Jason or Jessie had any of that happen to them, and they were the ones who were falsely arrested for the crime. As Bennies statements suggest, as well the MEs position on Michaels injuries, there is good evidence to suggest that Michael was violently attacked first and then lay unconscious for the rest of the crime. The boys probably promised to meet up in a bit and Chris headed home. David Jacoby claimed that Terry said that Stevie was out riding his bike and that he told them to be back before dark. Vickie Hutchinson described the clubhouse like this: RIDGE: WHAT DID THE CLUB HOUSE CONSIST OF? Police Officer Regina Meeks had been called to Mark Byers home at 8:10 and filled out a police report for the missing children with both the Byers and Dana Moore. The ME examiner again supports this alleged statement, as Stevie, although probably the most conscious during the attack had little to no defensive wounds. How about his fucking alibi, oh wait, the dudehe claimed him as an alibi thinks he did it. In 1993 Bennie Guy and Billy Stewart were both very close with a mentally slow teenager named Buddy Lucas. When the boys were found, along with their clothes the following day, there were two pairs of underwear and 5 socks missing from the crime scene. I highly doubt it. UNLESS YOU KNOW NOT GETTING UP THERE AND LOOKING AT IT ALL. AARON: BEFORE THEY DID ANYTHING THEY WENT UP TO MY MAMAS TRUCK AND THEY ASKED HER IF I COULD GO OVER TO MICHAELS HOUSE TO GO UH, GO, GO WITH, GO WITH THEM TO PLAY SOME WHERE THAT WAS WHERE OUR CLUB WAS. VICKIE: THE DEAD END ON MCAULEYRIDGE: ON MCAULEY BYVICKIE: BY THE APARTMENTSRIDGE: OKAY, ALRIGHT. He actually interfered in a police investigation and he admitted it publicly. I think its open to interpretation. RIDGE WHO WERE WORKING IN CONSTRUCTION WORK? Furthermore, Terry himself claimed to be in those woods all night, up until the early morning. RIDGE OKAY, NOW THE CONVERSATION YOU HAD WITH HIS AUNT WHAT IS HER NAME AGAIN? Both Guy and Stewart have tried since 1994, thirteen years before Terry and David were even suspects, to tell the authorities what they had been told. LG was actually a suspect from the very beginning, and its actually really shocking to me that he was not further investigated. When police finally did ask Buddy where he was the night of the 5th, he claimed that he barbecued with his family and then brought over some barbecue chicken to Jessie who ended up not being there. David Jacoby is the key to this case. For one, Michael was tied up with a shoelace that had been cut. Perhaps she felt obligated to lie about Damien in order to get him arrested for a murder she believed he committed. Terrys own daughter allegedly told family members, including her mother, grandmother, cousin and aunt that she had been abused by her dad and two family members even claimed to have walked in on Terry abusing his daughter. "Yes I do have doubts. 'West Memphis Three' case: John Byers, suspect and stepfather - MEAWW : the alleged confessions of both Buddy and LG, Terry saw the boys spying and ordered the other three men to catch them. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Damien Echols, along with friends Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelly, were convicted of murder in 1994, in connection with the murders of Chris Byers, Michael Moore, and Steven. WHAT DID YOU ALL HIDE AND WAIT FOR THEM?AARON: YEAH (YES) WILL WE ALWAYS. Anyway, some things the autopsy reports show us.. ~Chris was alive when he was being tied up. Im not sure if that rumor is true or not, but I do believe TH may have done it & DJ knew about it. thirty minutes to clean up the crime scene before it got dark. This is where you ask yourself why Jacoby would lie to protect Hobbs and also why he would openly admit he lied in 2013. Meaning to me that he was the third one caught). DNA consistent with Terry Hobbs, stepfather of victim Stevie Branch, was. Back to the timeline. This gave the men 2 and a half hours to let off some steam and possibly drink and get high. He believed that one of the men told the others what to do, because they always did what he said. Por - 10 junio 2022. Right as this happened, Terry, who was their neighbor, called to Stevie to come home. Murders In West Memphis::: - Jivepuppi What really stands out to me is that the guilt or innocence of the men known as the West Memphis Three has been wildly debated through the years. Or, who were free to murder the victims from 7:00- 8:00pm that night. We do not know whose pants were the ones inside out for sure and whose pair of pants was not, but we do know that Michaels shirt was the only one not inside out and none of the buttons on his shirt were ripped off. His alibi for the night of the murders was shaky (the friend he says he was with says he left for a while) and he acted strangely towards his wife when he went to pick her up from work, walking past her and not saying anything, just calling the police to report the boys missing. However, she drove a small four door car and there would be no room to pick up her sister if she already had six people in her car. Mark Byers stated that Terry arrived at his home sometime after Meeks left. VERY intriguing. We have a man, by his own admittance, who was in the spot where they crime occurred all night long. Published: May. The hearing was to allow the victim's . NARLENE: She meant the mommy, the daddy and the son,(LG) she said I dont know whats going on over there and she said, they are making me nervous, shes a christian girl, she said and I got out of there, I said yeah, I get bad feelings around them too. I believe the known evidence supports the notion that Terry said yes, but that Stevie went inside to eat dinner first. If the boys had their bicycles with them, which I believe is very likely, that means Stevie and Michael would have been quickly caught whereas Chris, who had no bicycle to push, would have gotten caught a bit farther away. Memories of events are easy to remember, specific times when events occurred are much more difficult to pinpoint. Instead, defense attorneys say, the tests found DNA from Terry Hobbs, the stepfather of one of the murdered boys. In 2011, after 18 years in prison, the three innocent men were released on an Alford Plea. I am not scared of that boy. The DNA used for comparison purposes was taken from cigarette butts obtained from an ashtray. I strongly feel that this was something that only the killer or someone who witnessed the killing, would have known. He was also a minister in the Apostolic Pentecost Church, a fundamentalist group. Dixie came to work later and Linda Hollingsworth came in asking about where L.G. He writes it right in the autopsy report. Why would either of these men lie about who they talked to that night unless they both were lying and couldnt get their stories straight? At 6:40 the men may have shown up in the BB woods, some wrestling may have occurred and some drinking and/or smoking and even the beginning of sexual activity. Ok, now kiss. Richard took another polygraph saying that LG was not with him the night of the 5th and he passed. He told police that he and his friends often played in the Blue Beacon Woods. What is most interesting, however, is that most of the public did not know that Chris was on a skateboard at one point that afternoon. Then, I believe the men left around 5:45 and headed out of West Memphis towards Lakeshore trailerpark where Terrys alleged drug dealer lived. I then believe Terry went over to Michaels unconscious body and began to undress him. Buddy Lucas lived in Lakeshore Trailerpark in May, 1993. She claimed to have seen the two walking as she was on her way to pick up her sister from work but there are serious problems with her statement. Terry claims to anyone and everyone who has asked about that night, that he was almost frantically searching for Stevie from 5:00pm-9:00pm at night. Statement made by Anthony Hollingsowrth, cousin to LG, to police. That could be why Stevie had wounds to the face, while the other boys had wounds to their head. Since Stevie was Terrys stepchild, its possible that Terry wanted to depersonalize Stevies face, which could make it easier for him to carry out the attack on him. It would take another 14 years before he was even interviewed about his whereabouts that night. I allege that Terry tied up one side of Stevie and then told either Buddy or LG to finish doing the other side. And since she couldnt have known this from a sighting, because the sighting never happened, then it must be from some other source. Even Terry said they usually ate dinner before Pam left for work (2). I believe the clubhouse was mainly a concealed spot where the boys played. Terry Hobbs grew up in a strict fundementalist pentecostal home, with his father actually being a pentecostal preacher. In late 2008, Hobbs entered into litigation with Natalie Maines Pasdar over alleged libelous comments. I feel the reason for this was because Bennie knew no one would listen to him as long as someone else was locked up for the crime. I'm digging into this right now. The only conclusion I could see from everything is that Hobbs is clearly a narcissistic pedophile. Its difficult to know all of Narlenes reasons but I have a feeling about one of them. Chris Byers brother and others also confirmed that the boys played in those woods very often and the very first statements made by both Aaron and Vickie were that Aaron and the boys played in those woods and secretly watched men engage in sex. Who fed Stevie if not Terry? The kick, along with the humiliation of being spied on, would have made Terry snap because he did not stand for any kind of disobedience. RIDGE: THE ONE IN THE WHITE SHIRT DOES HE LIKE TO BOSS? Even if he maybe didn't intend to kill him, I'm sure he started to beat him and his rage just got the best of him and there was no turning back. For the rest of the night the families, neighbors, friends and police search for the boys. 'Forgotten West Memphis Three' doc aims to give victims of notorious Based on the reports made available to the public pertaining to Damien's mental health issues, this is a flat out lie. Even if the dogs had not licked up blood, their presence in the woods could mean that their fur would have already been on the ground where the boys bodies were placed when discovered. One of the 8-year-olds is Hobbs' stepson, Stevie Branch. That leaves one very glaring, unexplainable question. Furthermore, the time the boys were seen doing this is also around the time that Aaron Hutchinson claimed they had first seen the men in the woods. What they discovered was a very organized, catalogued and intact body of evidence, a group working on the case previously wrote. Whats more suspicious, is that Buddy originally told police that he was with his family barbecuing on the 5th but when his mother spoke to Fogelman, she never mentions anything about Buddy being home with her that night. Terry Hobbs was working for the Memphis Ice Cream Company. I allege that he ordered the three to tie up the boys and explained that they should all be tied up in the same manner. Terry Wayne Hobbs was born on May 21st, 1958. If the bikes had been found immediately, then the focus would have very quickly zeroed in on the people who were last with the victims. Terry was born in Northern Arkansas and grew up in the Ozark Mountain region of the state. I allege that after Stevie and Chris had been stripped and attacked, Terry began to tie up Stevie. AARON: YEAH (YES) WILL WE ALWAYS. It means its likely that he never went home. I think Michelle died of a broken heart, possibly organ failure due to drug abuse. Even the autopsy report shows that. This not only puts Buddy in Lakeshore at the possible time that Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby could have shown up, but it shows that his whereabouts were unknown at the time the murder occurred. In the autopsy reports, it was concluded that Michael was swiftly and violently attacked and was likely unconscious for almost the entire assault on the boys. Pam concedes on one condition: Stevie must be home by4:30 or he will be grounded from his beloved bike for two weeks. RIDGE: THESE MEN. Pam begins making dinner and getting ready for work (source). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. However, is it simply a coincidence that the statements that Aaron told police in 1993 coincide so perfectly with the alleged confessions that Buddy and LG made in 1994 and were later retold in 2012? 6 Q. He flipped flopped between being at home with his mother and being at his friend Richards house from 5:30-9pm. No. Terry Wayne Hobbs was born on May 21st, 1958. If dogs had been licking the spot where the crime occurred and the boys, still wet from the water, were then laid on that area, It is very likely that they would have picked up dog or animal hair. Pam Hobbs divorced Terry Hobbs in 2004 and has reversed her position on the West Memphis Three's guilt. HE TOLD THE REST OF THE MEN TO HOLD THEM OR SOMETHING AND PROBABLY DID IT. RIDGE ALRIGHT, DID SHE KNOW WHERE HE HAD BEEN? WE NEED TO GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE. Therefore, it was likely that the person who either killed or tied Michael up, was carrying a knife. AARON: THEY WOULD UM, THEY WOULD WIPE EACH OTHER LIKE UM, LIKE UM, LIKE THEY DID UM TO MICHAEL, CHRIS AND STEVE THEY SAID. RIDGE: OKAY, AND WHAT DID YOU DO WHEN YOU WENT DOWN THERE? LG also lied extensively about his whereabouts the night of the 5th. Michael, being the first one attacked, was hit so violently and with such anger, that he was almost immediately rendered unconscious. DO YOU THINK THEY WERE CRAZY, AARON: THEY WERE ROLLED UP UM, CIGARETTES THERE WAS ALL KIND OF WHITE. I dont know. What purpose would there be to strip the boys naked? After ending his first marriage, he wed Pamela Hicks Branch in 1986, when her son Stevie was almost 2 years old. RIDGE: WITH THEIR MOUTH, WHERE THEY HAVING SEX WITH THEIR MOUTH? In Jareds interview with Hobbs, one of the biggest red flags, according to Clemente, was that Hobbs waited until around 9 p.m. to contact the police and report the child missing, despite no one seeing Steven for hours. Additionally, his cousin, Charlotte claims that he was at Lakeshore before the murders, left and did not come back till the next day. He was one of four children and came from a strict and religious family. With all that in mind, I allege that Terry and Amanda returned home a little after 5pm. ~Also, during trial, Perreti said about ten times that the weapon was probably a 24. He was probably only 5 or 10 feet from the other boys, not 25, as some people believe and 2. If Terry truly had bitten and stabbed Chris scrotum, it would explain perfectly the questions around Chris death. RIDGE IRENE SHE TOLD YOU SOMETHING ABOUT THE DAY THE KIDS WERE MURDERED? With advancements in DNA testing, hopefully we will soon know exactly whose DNA this very small sample belongs to. However, according to Billy, one of the boys kicked Terry after he was caught and brought to him. Why was Terry 18 minutes late picking Pam up? At 8:42, officer Meeks was dispatched to another call and left. Not only was he punishing and dominating him, but he was expressing his repressed anger and shame associated with being bisexual or homosexual. Indicating that, just like the 4perp indicates, Stevie was alive the longest. In Terry Hobbs daughters own diary she talks about having dreams about having sex with her dad and that she is sure that he didnt molest her from age 15 years old to 19. Problem is, many of the things he says about him are also true for the WM3, at least Damien. The type of DNA testing utilized pertains to mtDNA. The question whether the mark on Stevies left eyebrow is a bite mark or not has been the subject of great debate by experts and followers of the case for years. As Brent Turvey wrote in his profile of the criminal, the man who perpetrated this act against Christopher is a closet homosexual who carries shame about his homosexual tendencies. On Nov. 6 police in Memphis responded to a call that someone had been shot at 4460 Kerwin St., the home of Pamela and Terry Hobbs. Would they have admitted there were car tracks found and helped the defense win their case? He died before he was finished being tied up. (source) Additionally, a roommate of Richards also testified that LG was not at their home on the 5th but that he remembered LGs mother calling looking for him. But what we found over the years of investigating and in the process of creating the series people, their memories fade. After some time, they pulled up beside the Blue Beacon Woods. They were so sure that the murders were part of a satanic ritual done by teenagers, and were so desperate to make sure that Aarons answers revealed that, that eventually Aarons statements began to get more and more fantastical and implausible.
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