Immediate decontamination No scabs are present. Elevated levels of contaminants in the final rinse solution may suggest that additional cleaning and rinsing are needed. In addition, this chapter provides general guidelines for designing and selecting decontamination procedures at a site, and it presents a decision aid for evaluating the health and safety aspects of decontamination methods. The procedures for decontaminating personnel upon leaving the contaminated area are addressed for each of the EPA, OERR designated levels of protection. 2. Immediately mask the casualty. Decontamination reduces the microbial contamination of materials or surfaces and is accomplished through the use of a chemical disinfectant. Be incompatible with the hazardous substances being removed (Le., a decontamination method may react with contaminants to produce an explosion, heat, or toxic products). Hands and face are thoroughly washed. 1. Perform assisted ventilation is necessary. Patient presents with 5-day-old blisters/rash mostly on the arm, face and hands. Contaminants can be located either on the surface of personal protective equipment or permeated into the PPE material. A decontamination plan should be developed (as part of the Site Safety Plan) and set up before any personnel or equipment may enter areas where the potential for exposure to hazardous substances exists. If No, (Arrow to box to the right) Report to Superiors for Instructions. A series of numbered hexagons point downward toward the CONTAMINATION CONTROL LINE.) Open sorbent pack If decontamination can be performed without interfering with essential life-saving techniques or first aid, or if a worker has been contaminated with an extremely toxic or corrosive material that could cause severe injury or loss of life, decontamination must be performed immediately. What blood test is available that will give an accurate estimate of radiation dose? Which of the following statements is a correct statement regarding the Mask Only command? Which of the following decontamination method is NOT recommended for removing vesicants from casualties? Decontamination methods either (1) physically remove contaminants, (2) inactivate contaminants by chemical detoxification or disinfection/sterilization, or (3) remove contaminants by a combination of both physical and chemical means. What is the first step in self decontamination? 3. Decontamination methods either (1) physically remove contaminants, (2) inactivate contaminants by chemical detoxification or disinfection/sterilization, or (3) remove contaminants by a combination of both physical and chemical means. Remove outer boots and gloves. Smallpox can spread from one person to another by the following routes: For which virus is the mosquito not known as a possible vector? If Yes, (Arrow to second box below) Are the decontamination materials compatible with the hazardous substances present? The CANA is given only as a buddy-aid treatment for which of the following reasons? While still wearing facepiece, remove backpack and place on table. 2. He has been feeling ill since his return from safari in Africa a few days ago. Different Methods of Chemical Decontamination Chemical spills can be found in various forms from gas, liquid, solid, fumes, dust, fibers, or vapors. The mechanisms of solidification are: (1) moisture removal through the use of absorbents such as grounded clay or powdered lime: (2) chemical reactions via polymerization catalysts and chemical reagents; and (3) freezing using ice water. 11. 4. Which of the following is considered a pulmonary (choking) agent? You can remove radioactive materials that are on the body of others or you can remove radioactive materials if they are on your body (self-decontamination). Following a nuclear detonation, some of the casualties with survivable injuries are possibly contaminated with The effectiveness of any decontamination method should be assessed at the beginning of a program and periodically throughout the lifetime of the program. 1. You can wash your hands, face, and parts of your body that were uncovered at a sink or faucet. Rinse off decon solution water. For example: In addition, Standard Operating Procedures should be established that maximize worker protection. Some detergents can be used with organic solvents to improve the dissolving and dispersal of contaminants into the solvent. Treatment of patients suffering from pulmonary agent exposure should focus on? Wait 10 to 15 minutes after injection. 5. The following methods may be useful in assessing the effectiveness of decontamination. Which of the following is not a consideration during treatment of the victims? Radiation burns, which causes delayed, irreversible changes of the skin, can be caused by high doses of what form of ionizing radiation? Determine the number and layout of decontamination stations. Surfactants augment physical cleaning methods by reducing adhesion forces between contaminants and the surface being cleaned, and by preventing redeposit of the contaminants. This is particularly important when decontaminating personal protective clothing constructed of organic materials that could be damaged or dissolved by organic solvents. 12. Removing clothing and washing with warm soapy water. 3. More protection is provided at higher MOPP levels but at the cost of performance degradation. 14. Repeat process for both eyes. 5. Removal of Contaminated Surfaces Disposal of deeply permeated materials, e.g., clothing, floor mats, and seats. Assuming you want a sentence related to the background information: The best way to learn something new is to break it down into small, manageable steps. Consult specialists if necessary.(End). the potential for, and location of, exposure based on assigned worker duties, activities, and functions. Which of the following IS NOT one of the four CBRN alarm and warning guidelines? Which of the following is not a consideration during treatment of the victims? Smallpox can spread from one person to another by the following routes: A patient was admitted to the hospital suffering from the following symptoms for the last 5 days: fever, malaise, fatigue, and nonproductive cough. You approach the scene of a terrorist incident that occurred 2 minutes prior in an enclosed room. Wash with decon solution that will not harm the skin. Type of decontamination that is carried out by a unit to reduce contamination equal to natural background or to the lowest level possible. Is the method effective for removing contaminants? Rinse off decon solution using water. Table 2. The most commonly recommended SPI consists of three HI-6/atropine auto-injectors, one diazepam auto-injector, two Reactive Skin Decontamination Lotion pouches, as well as a seven-day supply of pyridostigmine bromide or a supply of antibiotics, for each CAF member. 2.81012D)9.91029.9 \times 10^{-2} Which form of plague is responsible? Volatile liquid contaminants can be removed from protective clothing or equipment by evaporation followed by a water rinse. skin-corrosive or skin-absorbable materials are known or suspected to be present. How is the victim of a pulmonary agent exposure presenting with respiratory distress less than 4 hours after exposure classified? (End). What level of civilian chemical equipment would healthcare providers don when providing While decontamination is performed to protect health and safety, it can pose hazards under certain circumstances. Testing for the presence of permeated chemical contaminants requires that pieces of the protective garments be sent to a laboratory for analysis. Decontamination will be conducted in the _____ hazard zone, Type of decontamination that is carried out by a unit to reduce contamination equal to natural background or to the, _____ occurs outside of the incident area when people come in contact with a contaminated person or object, _____ occurs when people comes in direct contact with a harmful agent at or near an incident. 12. While maneuvering to a new position, your field protective mask's seal is broken briefly exposing your eyes to the CWA. ________ damage brings death very quickly so that the consequences of exposure to other systems do not have time to express themselves. Remove or neutralize contamination. (A series of three arrows in the upper right, one arrow 20 degrees above and the other arrow 20 degrees below the central arrow, indicate wind direction toward the HOTLINE.) Size of contaminant molecules and pore space. Presidential Policy Directive-8 Decontamination will be conducted in the __________ hazard zone. With assistance of helper, remove splash suit. The amount of radiation that an individual absorbs depends on ____? \\ What method is used to estimate a radiation dose by measuring the biological response to an absorbed dose of ionizing radiation? Wash patient with their clothing still on. If worker leaves exclusion zone to change canister (or mask), this is the last step in the decontamination procedure. Contact time. 3.5 Many chemical agents have immediately observable medical effects2 and should be removed as rapidly as possible, even by resorting to emergency decontamination3 if necessary, to save life and prevent injury. Hot weather rest station maybe set up within this area for personnel returning to site. A series of numbered hexagons point downward toward the CONTAMINATION CONTROL LINE.) Metal or plastic cans or drums for contaminated wash and rinse solutions. Snap barrel locks under the chin Contamination of victims/casualties must be considered as part of the initial assessment and an effective method for rescue, decontamination and medical treatment must be provided. Use tepid decontamination water. Check for NTAA injectors - position casualty on their side. Close your eyes, stop breathing and hold your breath These are available commercially as wash additives or anti-static sprays. Place the mask in the carrier. When the decontamination line is no longer required, contaminated wash and rinse solutions and contaminated articles must be contained and disposed of as hazardous wastes in compliance with state and federal regulations. Which of the following four decontamination planning factors is the commander using in the decision to decontaminate the weapons and ammunition before the support vehicles? Practice protective measures of time, distance, and shielding. Check for leaks at mask edge by feeling for incoming air on your face. What method is used to estimate a radiation dose by measuring the biological response to an absorbed dose of ionizing radiation? Disconnect hose from regulator valve and proceed to next station. If a decontamination method does pose a direct health hazard, measures must be taken to protect both decontamination personnel and the workers being decontaminated. Which of the following is NOT considered a risk factor? Establish methods and procedures to minimize worker contact with contaminants during removal of personal protective clothing and equipment (PPE). Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is generally divided into two categories. Disposal of protective coverings/coatings. Drop cloths of plastic or other suitable materials on which heavily contaminated equipment and outer protective clothing may be deposited. 2. Dressing stations for entry to the CRZ should be separate from redressing areas for exit from the CRZ. Be incompatible with the clothing or equipment being decontaminated (e.g., some organic solvents can permeate and/or degrade protective clothing). Nuclear/Radiological Incident Task Force Worker returns to duty. Household detergents are among the most common surfactants. Hold breath, close eyes, don FPM, and pass alarm. Storage tanks of appropriate treatment systems for temporary storage and/or treatment of contaminated wash and rinse solutions. The Consequence Management Coordination Unit (CMCU) is a national level incident support element responsible for strategic consequence management decision support to the FEMA Administrator, the FBI WMD Strategic Group (SG), and provides reach back support to the DEST. How is the victim of nerve agent exposure presenting with convulsions classified? Use a stick to remove large globs of agent off the skin. (Continue to decision diamond below) Further Medical Attention or Surveillance Required? You suspect Lewisite. Smallpox, because the rash is centrifugal on the patient. 3. Slowly passing a radiation detector (RADIAC) over the entire body. Segregation at the drop reduces the. Station 7: Suit/Safety Boot Wash (within the CONTAMINATION REDUCTION ZONE), to Station 8: Suit/SCBA/Boot/Glove Rinse. Which of the following decontamination method is NOT recommended for removing vesicants from casualties? However, not all contaminants leave visible traces; many contaminants can permeate clothing and are not easily observed. 4. 17. 2. Wash hands and face if shower is not available. Paper or cloth towels for drying protective clothing and equipment. Worker's air tank is exchanged, new outer gloves and boot covers donned, joints taped, and worker returns to duty. EXCLUSION ZONE (Each station has a numbered hexagon and arrow pointing to next station in a line above the HOTLINE) A flow chart from Station 1: Segregated Equipment Drop, to Station 2: Boot Cover & Glove Wash, to Station 3: Boot Cover & Glove Rinse, to Station 4: Tape Removal, to Station 5: Boot Cover Removal, to Station 6: Outer Glove Removal (The arrow at Station 6 points downward across the HOTLINE into the CONTAMINATION REDUCTION ZONE. At a hazardous waste site, decontamination facilities should be located in the Contamination Reduction Zone (CRZ), i.e., the area between the Exclusion Zone (the contaminated area) and the Support Zone (the clean area) as shown in 3. An enemy attack aircraft dropped four bombs which upon bursting dispensed a non-persistent nerve agent vapor that drifted over your unit's defensive sector. Another way to test the effectiveness of decontamination procedures is to analyze for contaminants left in the cleaning solutions. Ultraviolet light can be used to observe contamination of skin, clothing, and equipment; however, certain areas of the skin may fluoresce naturally, thereby introducing an uncertainty into the test. 1. The sequence of stations is called the decontamination line. What are the proper masking procedures? Don FPM and check seal Rub sorbent into target areas 6. 2. The movement of personnel and/or equipment among different zones. Brooms and brushes for cleaning operator areas inside vehicles and equipment. If worker leaves exclusion zone to change air tank, this is the last step in the decontamination procedure. What toxin do you suspect and how do you treat it? Infinite negatively charged sheet 2 is parallel to sheet 1 and has uniform surface charge density 2=8.0nC/m2\sigma _ { 2 } = - 8.0 \mathrm { nC } / \mathrm { m } ^ { 2 }2=8.0nC/m2. 2. Why is it important to preserve biodiversity? Place opened sorbent pack in case Place and secure hood around the edge of FPM For example, outer, more heavily contaminated items (e.g., outer boots and gloves) should be decontaminated and removed first, followed by decontamination and removal of inner, less contaminated items (e.g., jackets and pants). Initially from a priority standpoint, emergency decontamination is more concerned with . Protect monitoring and sampling instruments by bagging. The longer a contaminant is in contact with an object, the greater the probability and extent of permeation. Another arrow from the circle marked with an X continues to a rectangle indicating the area to Remove Boots/Gloves and Outer Garments (For Disposal and Off Site Decontamination) with a circle below indicating the location of a 32 gallon can. Remove mitt for decom kit The following advanced imaging techniques are discussed in the text: CT, angiography, PET, sonography, and MRI The decontamination site should NOT be located: What is the best method of decontamination? Processed foods and temperature-abused foods are most commonly associated with ________ poisoning. Which type of anthrax is responsible for the patient?s symptoms? Scrubbing/scraping. c. 2-3 Long-Handled. What type of viral infection do you suspect? Your unit has responded within minutes to a suspected CBRNE incident. To the right of the HOTLINE, above the rectangle, two circles indicate the location of the Decon Solution and Water. If the upper plate moves with a velocity of 0.02ft/s0.02 \mathrm{ft} / \mathrm{s}0.02ft/s, at what distance from the bottom plate does the maximum velocity in the gap between the two plates occur? Place in container with liner. Immediately flush eyes with water. exploded spraying them with an amber colored liquid that smells like flowers and burns intensely. Before you begin an immediate eye decontamination, you should first ensure which of the following has occurred? Patient is alert and oriented during the exam. All victims have recently been in an area where canisters Deposit in container with plastic liner. Fully Encapsulating Suit and Hard Hat Removal. 18/02/2022. Emergency Preparedness and Response Course -, Emergency Preparedness and Response Course, Emergency Preparedness and Response Course- C, Emergency Preparedness Response Course (EPRC), Emergency preparedness and response course- C. A cooling station is sometimes necessary within the decontamination line during hot weather. Two arrows continue from the second divided Decon rectangle to a circle marked with an X that has an upward pointing arrow, that turns back toward the dashed HOTLINE to an area labelled Redress: Boot Covers and Outer Gloves, and crosses the dashed HOTLINE. Does the method itself pose any health or safety hazards? 1.4 Decontamination lines are site specific since they are dependent upon the types of contamination and the type of work activities on site. If worker leaves exclusion zone to change air tank, this is the last step in the decontamination procedure. courtney_phipps5. What types of CBRNE agents are man-made and act rapidly, burn and blister skin, mucous membranes, airways and gastrointestinal systems? Remove your headgear and remove glasses if worn Shower if highly toxic. Select the A viscous fluid (specific weight =80lb/ft3;=80 \mathrm{lb} / \mathrm{ft}^3 ;=80lb/ft3; viscosity =0.03lbs/ft2=0.03 \mathrm{lb} \cdot \mathrm{s} / \mathrm{ft}^2=0.03lbs/ft2 ) is contained between two infinite. 9.9102E)6.91096.9 \times 10^{-9}6.9109. For each CBRN message type, there are three set identifiers - (M) mandatory, (C) conditional and (O). Three basic methods of decontamination are physical removal, chemical deactivation, and biological deactivation of the agent. In an emergency, the primary concern is to prevent the loss of life or severe injury to site personnel. You approach the scene of a terrorist incident that occurred 2 minutes prior in an enclosed room. 3. Wash patient with their clothing still on. Chlorine bleach is a widely used method for decontamination, however, chlorine bleach is quite potent and can cause severe damage to the skin and even blindness if contact occurs in your eyes. 3. Removing radioactive material from a person, object, or place is called decontamination. Which of these are fast-acting compounds that attack oxygen-dependent tissues known to be particularly sensitive to these compounds? Segregation at the drop reduces the probability of cross-contamination. 3. stand for? Disinfection refers to the elimination of virtually all pathogenic organisms on inanimate objects and surfaces thereby reducing the level of microbial contamination to an acceptably safe level. Pour sorbent onto mitt, gently shake 5. 5. Your commander directs that crew-served weapons and ammunition would be decontaminated before the support vehicles and barrier material. An increase in temperature generally increases the permeation rate of contaminants. Which of the following statements are correct regarding biological weapon characteristics? (Continue to decision arrow below) Further Medical Attention or Surveillance Required? Based on the information would you suspect chickenpox or smallpox? Air Tanks or Face Masks and Cartridge Depending on Level, a. Dressing Trailer is Needed in Inclement Weather, a. The Equipment Drop Area (from left to right) is indicated by a rectangle with a circle below indicating the location of the Plastic sheet and a right pointing arrow to another rectangle divided by a diagonal line into the Decon Outer Garments area and the Remove Boot Covers and Outer Gloves area with a circle below indicating the location of a 10 gallon can. Avoid touching face with fingers. If worker leaves Exclusion Zone to change air tank, this is the last step in the decontamination procedure. What phase is characterized by improvement of symptoms but becomes shorter with increasing doses. Rinse off using copious amounts of water. Do not wear inner clothing off-site since there 'is a possibility that small amounts of contaminant might have been transferred in removing the fully-encapsulating suit. 4. Wash and rinse buckets for use in the decontamination of operator areas inside vehicles and equipment. 11. Remove face piece. Similarly, HazMat refers to hazardous materials which pose a threat to human and environmental health. What is the best decontamination method for biological agents? During hot weather operations, a cool down station may be set up within this area. 1. CBRN stands for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear. If Yes, (Arrow to fourth box below) Can appropriate decontamination materials or process pose health or safety hazards? Removal of electrostatically attached materials can be enhanced by coating the clothing or equipment with anti-static solutions. Rinse off decon solution using copious amounts of water. Pressurized sprayers for washing and rinsing, particularly hard-to-reach areas. 4. The purpose of the decontamination process is to reduce the number of these contaminants in order to . Segregation at the drop reduces the probability of cross contamination. Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Sports Medicine Essentials: Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Fitness Instruction, Flashcards - P1 | Neuroanatomia Funcional. Halogenated solvents generally are incompatible with personal protective equipment and are toxic. Team leader for M240 MMGT. What precaution/side effects should you be aware of when administering cyanide antidotes? What level of civilian chemical equipment would healthcare providers don when providing initial medical treatment after an incident but not involved with decontamination? Expectant If Yes, (Arrow to second decision diamond to the right) Contaminants Extremely Hazardous? Each category is discussed below. External Decontamination: Removing radioactive materials on your skin, hair, or clothing. Federal law establishes \rule{1cm}{1pt} schedules of classification for the control of dangerous drugs. 2. Also, all spent solutions and wash water should be collected and disposed of properly. horizontal parallel plates as shown in Fig. Commonly done using brushes, scrapers, or sponges and water compatible solvent cleaning solutions. Hard hat is removed. 6. Stop leaks at the brow, temple, and cheeks. What is the best method of decontamination CBRN?
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